Monday, March 05, 2007

From Above

Last week I had a dream...six numbers were revealed to me. So, I went out and did what anyone, who had six numbers revealed to them, would do; I bought a lottery ticket. This was the 2nd time I ever bought a lottery ticket. I did not win the lottery, despite using positive thinking/law of attraction techniques obtained from the book, "The Secret". I imagined my numbers on the balls, I herd my wining numbers being called out, and I saw my winning numbers displayed on the television. Further, I acted as if I had already won (except actually spending the money). I did, however, plan out exactly what I would do with the money I now had, what I would buy (i.e. a hybrid not a hummer), who I would help, and how.

Fast forward a couple days...
I'm in the library. I come across a book that I thought to be perfect in my quest of becoming a better, more informed parent; it is called "100 Promises to My Baby" by: Mallinka Chopora. I love this book. I recommend it to anyone that is or is going to be a parent, teacher, or child-care provider. As I was reading, one of the promises struck a cord in me. I immediately thought, "I am going to copy this page and share it with my mother". I glanced up at the number it was 11 (one of my numbers from above). I thought, "how funny". I continued reading on, when another one of the promises particularly struck a cord in me. This one was something I really need to work on, perhaps even before the baby Z is born. Yes, this promise was associated with another one of my numbers from above.

I don't know if all six numbers will correlate with a promise that I need to work on, meditate with, or contemplate or if the other 4 numbers will be revealed to have some other meaning in my life.

Thank-you God for giving me this time in my journey to become the person, wife, and parent I want/need to be. Thank-you for leading me to this book.

I've had enough time please send baby Z (from above) this month--she would be a Sagittarius just like her muma (DP) and that works in our family. Note: DP would be saying, "he". Hopefully, if I get my way it will be baby "Z" either way.

Here is the TTC update: try #8, I am cd7, 3rd day of clomid 50mg, apt. with RE cd9 to discuss long term conception plans, u/s cd15, insem cd16--tentatively.


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