Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Not Positive

3 negative HPT's
2 buckets of tears
1 positive, loving, and supportive DP

In the big picture it's not all that bad. I'm very fortunate to have her. DP says we will try until it happens; she is sure that it will happen. I'm sure to. Not to say there won't be a plethora of fears, tears, and mourning.

I'm going to look into acupuncture for next cycle.
I'm going to reevaluate my eating habits.
I'm going to reintroduce exercise.

I have a plan...that helps.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'll Do It To


Not as easy as you might think...

1. Yourself: Here
2. Your girlfriend: Wonderful
3. Your hair: Short
4. Your mother: Smart
5. Your dog: Odd
6. Your favorite item: Ring
7. Your dream last night: Lost
8. Your favorite drink: Ovaltine
9. Your dream car: Volvo
10. The room you are in: Living
12. Your fear: Loss
13. What you want to be in 10 years: Sane
14. Who you hung out with last night: Myself
15. What you're not: Pregnant
16. Muffin: Cherry
17: One of your wish list items: Understanding
18: Time: Three
19. The last thing you did: Eat
20. What you are wearing: Jeans
21. Your favorite weather: Crisp
22. Your favorite book: Lesson
23. The last thing you ate: Roll
24. Your life: Struggle
25. Your mood: Sad
26. Your best friend(S): Good
27. What are you thinking about right now? Class
28. Your car: Dirty
29. What are you doing at the moment?: Worring
30. Your summer: Hawaii
31. Your relationship status: Sucessful
32. What is on your TV?: MTV
33. What is the weather like?: Gray

Monday, November 20, 2006

Here I am

I am going to try this one more time. This time I will: a) write down my password so I don't have to remember the damn thing, b) not mess with the settings beyond the point of repair, and c) try not to impress anyone with fancy language, writing style, or humor. If you want witty...insert clever title, saying, or phrase here.