Saturday, April 07, 2007

101 in 1001

This is my list of 101 things I would like to accomplish in 1001 days. (With the help of DP of course; she always says I rope her in to all my projects). Okay lets get real, I will highlight the tasks I will probably not be involved in, but, it will take me nagging DP to get them done. In 1001 days it will be Saturday, January 2nd 2010. This list will be added to as I think of things. The goals will be big and small, but, I am trying to be realistic.

C- completed
S- started
SOG- started ongoing

In no particular order....

1. Spring clean/clean sweep. S
2. Combine office and guest bedroom. S
3. Turn the office into the babies room. S

4. Hire someone to re-carpet babies room. Note to DP: I want to delegate this, despite your wonderful carpet laying abilities.
5. Start collecting baby items, especially, books.
6. Before next winter--get duct work cleaned out (hire someone).
7. Create a healthy/welcoming environment for baby inside and out.
8. Re-do window ledges throughout the house.
9. Rip up hall carpet replace with wood flooring. C
10. Install a shower enclosure or tile it.
11. Patch walls were needed. Note to cats: our walls are not your scratching posts.
12. Re-do spice container, find another use for it, and put spices elsewhere.
13. Reupholster ottoman, again.
14. Re-do the sm. potato hutch that I got from Lucy's trash.
15. Make my own pendulums.
16. Do craft work in all areas: scrapbook, make jewelry, paint, etc...
17. Knit baby Z a blanket.
18. Make the fleece blanket I have the materials for.
19. Do something physical daily (even if it's just 15min of stretching).
20. Look into being a foster care parent.
21. Stay at may new job for at least a year.
22. Go to church. SOG
23. Attend to my spirituality outside of church.
24. Make/buy a instrument.
25. Go to drum circles.
26. Be in tune to, be aware of opportunities.
27. Take advantage of opportunities that present themselves.
28. Make my own opportunities.
29. Work on letting go. SOG
30. Take initiative to get things done.
31. Do more things on my own (don't ask DP to do them). SOG
32. Do more unexpected, nice things for DP.
33. Together with DP choose a boys name.
34. Prepare dogs for the arrival of the baby.
35. Expand vocabulary.
36. Apply to grad school.
37. Become more involved in the community i.e. attend classes, seminars, and symposiums.
38. Become more involved in the lesbian community i.e. get involved with the organization that brings new moms care packages etc...
39. Attend more pride functions.
40. Journal weekly. SOG
41. Make amends with my Grandmother.
42. Visit Fl. family (once a yr).
43. Bring DP with (save the extra $ it will cost, ask her to take time off work, and find a pet sitter).
44. Save money to rent a car when in Fl. Maybe even get our own hotel room/alternative accommodations, especially, when traveling with baby Z.
45. Be the best I can be every time I go to work i.e. decompress, deal with frustrations so I can be in the right frame of mind, be prepared to challenge the kids by planing activities/initiatives, and get over the whole money thing.
46. Get a second job to off-set the money thing.
47. Pick-up the chairs--UGH!!
48. Watch less t.v.
49. See the kids more often 1-2 times/month?
50. Cut down/cut out sweets.
51. Take steps to lower triglycerides.
52. Worry less.
53. Find/join a group of women on a similar spiritual path.
54. Experience a sweet lodge.
55. Plant an herb garden.
56. Use herbs and natural remedies.
57. Join the food co-op. Look into other farm/crop sharing options for seasonal fruits and veggies.
58. Find opportunities to barter goods and service.
59. Take a class.
60. Meditate daily.
61. Be more forgiving of myself and others.
62. Obtain things on my wish list i.e. a new purse, markers, wooden spoons, juicer, etc...
63. Get my kitchen aid mixer serviced (don't use it until you do).
64. Do a better job of staying in contact with family and friends.
65. Work on being more even keeled i.e. not such low lows.
66. Do independent research on topics I want to know more about i.e textiles, world religions, language, how color wonder paint markers and paper work etc...
67. Practice writing.
68. Don't go to any pyramid scam events, including, melaluka, candle parties, and the like.
69. Walk dogs more often. SOG
70. DP added, "accept DP for who she is". I asked her what she meant she said, "quit bitching about everything and accept the fact I chew with my mouth open". I don't know if I can do that; it is really disgusting. Well maybe working 2nd shift will help this because we will be eating together less. I really don't want baby Z to learn to chew with her mouth open; if DP continues baby Z surly will. I understand DP was raised in a barn, but, really.
71. I will take the x-mas tree down in a timely manner i.e. in Jan. (DP added this also).
72. Nag DP less.

More to come.........

73. Deal with the old screen door that I want to paint, hang, etc....
74. Improve spelling; stop making the same spelling mistakes over and over.
75. Hire independent company to test tap water.
76. Use gift certificates.
77. Pay library fines; return books on time.
78. Take shoes to the repair shop.
79. Get formal instruction on how to do my make-up at the spa. Pay particularly close attention to the best way to do my eyes.
80. Take photos (I don't need a new camera to do this).
81. Cut pieces for jean quilt (I do (not) need the rotary cutting system).
82. Revamp resume.
83. Don't procrastinate on list items.
84. Learn how to post pictures on my blog. C
85. Learn more about the birds, trees, and flowers in my region.
86. Continue to apply to jobs.


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